20 January 2010

... and so it begins!

I got the life changing phone call today:

I've been nominated for the PeaceCorps!!!! It gets even better, though. Not only have I been nominated for Africa, but I will be teaching English to elementary aged children and working with high-risk kids.

... and you thought that was good?

In order to be nominated for this position, the nominee needs to speak French, which means I will for sure be speaking French!!

Just the other day I spoke to my recruiter and she told me there wasn't really any positions left in Africa. I'm not going to lie- that kind of cut down my enthusiasm! It's not that I wouldn't be helping people in other parts of the World, but I was really looking forward to speaking French. So to receive this call today was absolutely amazing! It really couldn't be better. I feel like this is what I'm supposed to be doing, and I can't wait to get it started!

The last step before 100% acceptance is to pass my medical exams, so I'm hoping sometime in the next month I will be able to say, "Yes!!"

I'll keep you updated....!

In the meantime, I'm off to Chicago the 4-6th of February, and at the end of February, my friend from Montreal, Canada (one of my best friends I met while studying abroad) is coming to visit me in Florida!!

Today has been a great day!


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